Reference no: EM132313954
Analysis Task
Research Question: Do client firms of different sizes have different satisfaction levels with the service provided?
1. Analyse*^ if there are differences in satisfaction (X8) between groups based on the company size (X12).
2. Calculate the effect size using Eta Squared (η2) and Omega Squared (??2)
Ensure you conduct the necessary analysis to check the assumptions of the technique you apply.
Ensure you use descriptive statistics to help you with your interpretation.
Written Response Task
Question 1: Identify and define the type of sampling strategy used in the Amcor study.
(Theory)(100 words maximum)
Question 2: Identify and explain two (2) ethical issues in the Amcor study.
(Theory)(250 words maximum)
Question 3: Please provide:
a) Justify your choice of technique.
b) Describe the assumptions of the techniques and specify if they are accepted or violated in this case.
c) Provide an interpretation of the output to describe if there are differences in satisfaction with the service provided across customers of different company sizes.
d) Provide an interpretation of the analysis to management and suggest a possible approach to improve satisfaction for the least satisfied group.
(Interpretation)(Maximum word count: 700 words)
Amcor is a large scale industrial supplier of packaging. Amcor is concerned about maintaining its position as supplier of choice among its current business-to-business market segments in Australia and New Zealand. To address this they hired an external consultant to conduct market research to investigate the perception of Amcor, actual purchase outcomes and industry information. The data provided will give Amcor a better understanding of both the characteristics of its business-to-business customers and the relationships between their perceptions of Amcor and their purchase behaviour.
Research Design & Method
The management questions were developed via conversations with Amcor management and a series of interviews with B2B customers that were being visited in the week around the research development stage. The research question was developed from variables identified in past studies as the most influential in the choice of supplier for B2B business customers.
The next stage of the research conducted was interested in quantifying the characteristics of Amcor B2B customers and describing statistical relationships between perceptions of Amcor and buying behaviour. A survey was conducted using an online software.
Data Collection & Sampling
An email invitation was sent to every 10th customer in the CRM when ordered by company size. The invitation, including the Amcor brand and account managers’ details, outlined the purpose of the study and assured customers that responses would be anonymous. 182 customers responded Measurement
Details of the measurement can be found on the following page.
A detailed report including the names of all B2B clients alongside their responses was provided to management. The data from one question asked did not reflect expected results and so was deleted from the datasheet and report.
Perceptions of Amcor
First, general perceptions of Amcor were measured across six attributes. Procurement managers were asked to rate each statement 0 to 10-point strongly disagree – strongly agree scale.
X1 Expertise: Amcor has expertise in the packaging industry.
X2 Price: Amcor’s products are priced competitively.
X3 Service Quality: measured using the following four statements:
X3_1 Amcor is a reliable supplier
X3_2 Amcor is willing to help clients and provide prompt service.
X3_3 Amcor is a trustworthy supplier.
X3_4 Amcor provides individualised service to its clients.
X4 Durability: Amcor provide durable packaging products.
X5 Creativity: Amcor provide creative packaging products.
X6 Effectiveness: Amcor provide useful and effective packaging products.
Purchasing Outcomes
Second, purchase outcomes were measured across two attributes.
X7 Packaging share: What share of packaging purchased comes from Amcor? (Measured on a 100-point percentage scale, ranging from 0 to 100 percent.)
X8 Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with the service received when purchasing from Amcor? (1-7 Not at all satisfied to completely satisfied scale.)
Client Characteristics
Third, general characteristics of the B2B customers were measured.
X9 Purchase frequency: What frequency the firm purchases packaging product. This variable has two categories: Less than quarterly = 0, More than quarterly = 1.
X10 Sector serviced: Whether the firm classifies itself as servicing customers in the private sector or the public sector. This variable has two categories: Private sector = 0 and Public sector = 1.
X11 Location: Whether the firm is based in either Australia or New Zealand. This variable has two categories: Australia = 0 and New Zealand = 1.
X12 Company size: The firm’s company size based on number of employees. The company is small if it has <100 employees, medium if it has 100 to 500 employees, and large if 500+ employees. This variable has three categories: Small = 0, Medium = 1, Large = 2.
Attachment:- Case Study- Amcor Data.rar