Calculate the divisional profits for maker and retailer

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Reference no: EM132946545

A T-shirt business has two divisions, Maker and Retailer. The division Maker produces Tshirts and sells them to the division Retailer, which sells each shirt to the end-customers. You are provided the following information. Retailer's sales price to customer: $90 per unit (shirt) Maker's variable cost: $35 per unit Retailer's variable cost of sales commissions: $20 per unit Volume per year: 80,000 units (note: that is, for each year, Maker sells 80,000 shirts to Retailer; then Retailer sells these 80,000 shirts to customers) Fixed costs for Maker: $90,000 per year Fixed costs for Retailer: $60,000 per year


Problem 1: Calculate the divisional profits for Maker and Retailer respectively; try two different prices that Maker sells Retailer the shirts.

Price 1: $40 per shirt;

Price 2: $36 per shirt.

Problem 2: Comment on your calculation results; and discuss whether it is reasonable to assess performance of divisions primarily based on divisional profitability.

Reference no: EM132946545

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