Calculate the diffie-hellman key values

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13309870

1:Refer to the section in Week4 Part2of the lecture notes that describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

What values are sent in the clear between the two parties and what values are kept secret?Your answer needs to enumerate both values.

Use the description of the algorithm below to help identify the values in your answer.

Be thinking about the information that is available to an eavesdropper.
Description of Algorithm (by example)
The algorithm works as follows:
• Person A and B want to exchange secure messages over any unsecure channel. They agree on using two prime numbers for values of p and the base g. For this example: p=17 and g=5.
• Person A selects a secret key known only to them (a = 9)
• Person B selects a secret key known only to them (b = 13)
• Person A sends to person B the result of the calculation for:
gamod p =
59 mod 17 = 12
• Person B sends to person A the result of the calculation for:
gbmod p =
513 mod 17 = 3
• Person A computes:
(gb mod p)a mod p
(3)amod p =
(3)9 mod 17 = 14 # Note: 3 represents (gb mod p)
• Person B computes:
(ga mod p)b mod p
(12)b mod p = # Note: 12 represents (ga mod p)
(12)13 mod 17 = 14

2. Calculate the Diffie-Hellman key values. Calculate values for both keys (secret key a and secret key b). You must show your work for full credit.This includes the calculations each person performs to calculate and verify the values.

You should show the calculation that proves the keys are correct. That requires you calculate the values for both private keys which are for person a and person b. Then to show they are correct you must use both of these keys in separate calculations to calculate the resultant value, which should be the same for both person a, and for person b.

• Using the following values: p=29, g=2 (base), secret key a = 23 secret key b=19 • Using the following values: p=11, g=5 (base), secret key a =7, secret key b=5

3. Explain what the following are: root certificates, self signed certificates. Provide some examples of each. You should be able to find examples of each on your system by looking through various options available on your browser.

4. Provide a listing of the fields associated with a certificate or your choosing. Use the X509 definition to match the general fields of a certificate with the certificate you choose to look at. Describe each field.

5. Your manager is considering implementing a PKI infrastructure. They are considering using RSA encryption technology for the central part of their infrastructure. You manager would like to know some products or services that utilize RSA encryption technology. Provide three examples and explain how they make use of the RSA encryption technology.

6. Compare the functionality offered by the RSA and Diffie-Hellman algorithms.

7. For this problem I would folks to gain some experience acquiring Digital Certificates and encryption packages. Eventually I would also like for you to gain experience using these packages. I want people to tread cautiously doing this problem. Whenever you install new software or copy files to your system you need to understand the implications. You need to have backups made for any important data, as well as a "rollback" strategy should the installation fail. Sometimes rollback strategies are as simple as remove the installation. Other times rollback strategies are more involved if data has been changed. 

Attachment:- 353742_1_5.docx

Attachment:- 353742_2_Week4-Part2.docx

Reference no: EM13309870

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