Calculate the depreciation tax shield for the project

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13334979

1) Your firm needs a computerized machine tool lathe which costs $59,000 and requires $12,900 in maintenance for each year of its 3-year life. After three years, this machine will be replaced. The machine falls into the MACRS 3-year class life category. Assume a tax rate of 34 percent and a discount rate of 12 percent.

Calculate the depreciation tax shield for this project in year 3.

2)Your firm needs a computerized machine tool lathe which costs $56,000 and requires $12,600 in maintenance for each year of its 3-year life. After three years, this machine will be replaced. The machine falls into the MACRS 3-year class life category. Assume a tax rate of 35 percent and a discount rate of 12 percent.

If the lathe can be sold for $5,600 at the end of year 3, what is the after-tax salvage value?

Reference no: EM13334979

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