Calculate the density of states per unit volume

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13883083

1. Determine atomic packing factor of Si/Diamond cubic structure.

2. Calculate the density of states per unit volume for a free electron over the range og energies between 3eV and 4eV.

3. Determine the Probability that an Ahmed energy state is occupied by an election it the slide is above the Fermi level by KT.

4. Calculate thermal equilibrium hole concentration in Si at T=300k for the case when the Fermi level is 0.30eV above the valance band energy Ev.

5. Explain difference between the Degenerate and Nondegenerate Semiconductors with the help of a figure.

6. An intrinsic Silicon wafer has lx 10cm' holes. When l x etn-' donors are added, what is the new hole concentration?

7. Consider a Si sample at 300K with doping concentration of Na()=- and N,10.6 cm 1. drip density, if the applied electric filed is E=35V/cm.

8. Silicon at T=300K is doped with impurity concentration of Na=5 x 10 17cm3 and Nd =2*1016cm-3• Determine the resistivity and conductivity of the material .

Reference no: EM13883083

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