Calculate the degrees of freedom

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131430994

Q1. Create this dataset (countrydata) by coping and pasting the following into R:

nation <- c("Angola","Argentina","Belize","Burundi","Chad","Cote



Leone","Suriname","Swaziland","Thailand","United States","Zambia")


womenparliament <- c(16,34,3,18,6,9,11,8,8,7,13,2,9,11,15,18,11,9,14,12)


militarygdp <- c(4,1,1,7,1,2,2,1,3,2,2,5,2,2,2,1,2,1,4,2)


femalerep <- NA

femalerep[womenparliament < 10] <- "Low"

femalerep[womenparliament > 10] <- "High"

femalerep <- as.factor(femalerep)


countrydata <- data.frame(nation,womenparliament,militarygdp,femalerep)

Q2. Use the following data to conduct a difference of means test:

Female representation

Number of observation

Mean Military GDP

SD Military GDP













(a) Calculate the t-statistic.

(b) Calculate the degrees of freedom.

(c) Compare the t-statistic to the critical value for p = 0.05 for the corresponding degrees of freedom.

Q3. Use the following covariance table to conduct a correlation coefficient test:

(n = 20)









(a) Calculate the correlation coefficient (r) between womenparliament and militarygdp.

(b) Calculate the t-statistic for r.

(c) Compare the t-statistic for r to the critical value for p = 0.05 for the corresponding degrees of freedom.

Reference no: EM131430994

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