Calculate the daily expense of a student

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132115248

Foundations of programming is one of the most important units in the IS curriculum since almost every device in our day to day lives is run on systems containing programming logic. Generally, students who do well in this unit feel confident while appearing for job interviews. Hence you are required to develop a small real-world application, specifically for managing the expenses students.

This document specifies the application requirements of the Expenses Management Information System (EMIS) to be developed.

Expenses Management Information System (EMIS)

It is required to create a weekly expense calculator for each student in a class. This can be easily done in Excel as shown in Figure 1.

1792_Excel Spreadsheet for managing expenses.jpg

Figure 1: An Excel Spreadsheet for managing expenses

Observe that now there are 6 students but there can be more students in the future. Furthermore, each student's expense spread over the week is required to be stored and the daily expense as well as item wise expense is required to be calculated. In addition, each student should know the day of week in which the maximum expense has been spent.

You are required to design and develop a Python program with the following requirements:

a) It should not be using GUI (the Excel form was only used to illustrate an example)

b) To add a new student and expenses for the student. The expenses may be generated randomly by the system to avoid mundane manual entry from the keyboard.

c) To search the details of a particular student

d) To calculate the daily expense of a student

e) To calculate the item wise weekly expense of each student. For example, Clark's weekly breakfast expense is 114.3 whereas his Lunch expense is
70.7. Your program should be able to calculate this for each item.

f) To calculate the total weekly expense for each student. For example, Clark's weekly expense is 464.18

g) To calculate the lowest weekly expense among all expense items. For example, the least expensive item for Clark is "Study" and the value is 40.

h) The program should be menu driven. That is the program should not terminate after invoking any function, until the user wants to quit. The main menu should have options to add new expense details of any student and an option to generate reports of a student. When the second option is selected, it should invoke another menu to generate various reports identified in (d), (e), (f), (g) above.

i) Your design should follow the hierarchy of the program structure specified in Figure 2. Each block in Figure 2 represents a user defined function. You are expected to complete the code for all the blocks in Figure 2.

j) Each function in Figure 2 should follow the documentation provided in pages 4 - 8.

k) Your tutor will be working with you to solve about 70% project from week 6 to 11 in the labs. You are expected to complete the rest. Specifically, you should be able to complete the following additional requirements on your own:

a. To calculate the lowest daily expense in a week. For example, from Figure 2, the least expensive day for Clark is found to be "Monday" and the value is 50.6

b. Figure 2 follows procedural design. Once you have accomplished a successful implementation of Figure 2, you are encouraged to design and develop an Object based implementation of the system.

Attachment:- Project Details.rar

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This is a Expense information management system(EIMS) implemented in python. It allows the user to add a new student or to view the student expense report. expense report will be displayed in one of the 4 ways such as day wise expense report, weekly total expense report, item wise expense report and lowest item expense details

Reference no: EM132115248

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10/24/2018 1:42:22 AM

This file needs to be opened with python i guess its a python codes 30197491_1wk10Mon3 6 But I need to show the process codes so I need to explain until I explain i can not submit it can you help me out please!! thank you very much for this Python assignment. As I am unable to solve this assignment by my own and your tutor resolved it and made it accurate..


10/24/2018 1:37:13 AM

Add some notes for presentation please 30197496_1AIH - Project Details ISY1003 T2.pdf Hey there I would like to know how much the attached assignment 30197461_1Report T2 Due 21 .pdf 30197457_1wk10Mon3 6

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