Calculate the daily dollar cost for operating home appliance

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131574564

Assignment: Home Utility

Using the knowledge from the Lynda "Visual Basic Essential Training" video series, complete the following assignment:

Design, implement, test, and debug a Visual Basic program to create a simple home utility auditing program.

Conform to my published VB coding standards.

The user should be able to accomplish the following:

• Enter the dollar cost per kilowatt-hour.

• Select a home appliance from this exact list of home appliances:

o Refrigerator
o Hair Dryer
o Fan
o Microwave
o Toaster
o Electric Wok

• Enter the power needed in kilowatts (kW) for the selected appliance.

• Enter the number of hours used per day for the selected appliance.

The program should do the following:

• Validate that the data entered has the correct format and is within a reasonable range.

• Calculate and display the daily dollar cost for operating a home appliance when the user clicks the calculate button.

Constraints: Use reasonable real-world appliance power ratings in kilowatts (kw); similar to those provided in materials. Note that a normal wall outlet can source up to 1.5 kw. Use common sense to evaluate your results; for example, your electric bill shouldn't exceed your rent.

Design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the program that will be intuitive for a novice user.

Write the code for the program and test the results.

Reference no: EM131574564

Questions Cloud

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