Calculate the cube of each number from starting value

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131442675

Assignment JAVA Programming

Task 1

Write a complete Java program with the following specifications:

• Display a welcoming message such as: "Welcome to Cubing Program!"

• Prompt the user twice to enter two positive whole numbers, indicating starting and finishing values, first one being smaller than the second one

• Calculate the cube of each number from starting value to finishing value and then display an appropriately headered two column table with each row containing the number and its cube

• Display a farewell message such as: "Goodbye, thank you for using our program!"

As an example, if the starting and finishing values were 2 and 4 respectively, the table in the output would look something like the following:

Number Cube
2 8
3 27
4 64

Ensure that the program is appropriately documented throughout and thoroughly tested to demonstrate its correct operation.

You may assume that the user of the program enters the inputs as required so that no input validation or error checking is necessary.

Task 2

Problem Description:

Write a Java program to solve the problem presented below. You may assume that the user will always enter valid data; you do not have to perform data validation.

The entry charges to a zoo are:
Children 5 years old and younger: free

Accompanied children from 6 to 15 years old: $2 each

Unaccompanied children from 6 to 15 years old: $5 each

Adults from 16 to 59 years old: $10 each

Seniors from 60 years and older: $8 each

An accompanied child is defined as one in a family group accompanied by an adult or a senior. An adult or senior can only count as accompanying one child from 6 to 15 years old. No limit is placed on the number of children 5 years old and younger, which is perhaps a failing on the part of the zoo authorities, but simplifies your problem. Ages are integers.

Your program will calculate and display the entry charge for each family group and also display the total takings for a sequence of groups. In this process it will correctly determine the number of accompanied children and those not counted as accompanied in each family group. It will request the user to enter the number of children (6 - 15 years old), the number of adults (16 - 59 years old) and the number of seniors (60+ years old) for each group, and it will display the entry charge for each group.

The following shows a sample run.

Enter a group? (Yes=1/No=0): 1

Enter the number of children (age 6-15): 5

Enter the number of adults (age 16-59): 2

Enter the number of seniors (age 60+): 1

Total entry charge is $44

Enter a group? (Yes=1/No=0): 1

Enter the number of children (age 6-15): 1

Enter the number of adults (age 16-59): 2

Enter the number of seniors (age 60+): 0

Total entry charge is $22

Enter a group? (Yes=1/No=0): 0

Total takings: $66


Materials to submit for Assignment 1:

You need to submit a single zip file containing ALL of the required assignment documents including the java and class files as well as the test documents.


To complete this assignment you might need to have covered material up to and including the topic Selection and Looping in the Text Book and Topics.

Reference no: EM131442675

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