Reference no: EM133243485
Question - Infant Mortality and Birth Rates in Rabbit City - Rabbit City has a population of 500,000 males and 490,000 females. Two hundred ninety-four thousand of the females are of reproductive age (between 15 and 44 years old). There were 4,051 live births in the past year. However, 151 infants died before reaching their first birthdays. Of these, 63 died before 28 days of age, while the remainder died after that. In addition, 40 women died due to causes related to childbirth. Overall (including these women and infants) 2,360 people died from all causes combined. Use the multipliers to calculate the following.
Showing every step in your work, including numerators and denominators, calculate for Rabbit City:
1. The crude birth rate.
2. The crude all-cause death rate.
3. The rate of natural increase.
4. The general fertility rate.
5 The maternal mortality ratio.
6. The infant mortality rate.
7. The neonatal mortality rate.
8. The post-neonatal mortality rate.
9. Based only on the two rates you calculated, is neonatal or post-neonatal mortality a greater problem for this population?
10. Explain how the causes of post-neonatal mortality and neonatal mortality differ.