Calculate the costs

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13224951

As part of a JIT initiative at BMW's motorcycle assembly plant, BMW has reduced the number of engines loaded on each truck to 100. If each truck trip still costs $1,000, how does this decision impact total annual costs (TAC) at BMW in relation to the TAC in question 1? As part of your answer, please make sure you calculate the costs and show them below.

Reference no: EM13224951

Questions Cloud

Explain what volume will the gas occupy : A 4.82-L sample of carbon monoxide is collected at 55°C and 0.833 atm. What volume will the gas occupy at 1.05 atm and 25°C?
State barium reacts with a polyatomic ion to form a compound : Barium reacts with a polyatomic ion to form a compound with the general formula Ba3(X)2. What would be the most likely formula for the compound formed between sodium and the polyatomic ion X?
What is the optimum base stock level : The salesprice is $90 and the time dependent storage cost is $12. What is the optimum base stock level?
What is a proposed policy to prevent corporate ethics lapses : what is a proposed policy to prevent corporate ethics lapses that may help strengthen corporate policy?
Calculate the costs : If each truck trip still costs $1,000, how does this decision impact total annual costs (TAC) at BMW in relation to the TAC in question 1? As part of your answer, please make sure you calculate the costs.
Explain where the radial nodes hydrogen wavefunctions sit : On a quantitatively labeled number line, draw where the radial nodes of the 1s, 2s, and 3s hydrogen wavefunctions sit.
What issue would arise with hiring n retaining best manager : corporate profitability declined by 20 percent from 2008 to 2009. what performance percentage would you use to trigger executive bonuses for that year why what issues would arise with hiring and retaining the best manager
Explain radial wavefunctions and radial distribution : On the previous problem set, you examined both radial wavefunctions and radial distribution functions. Do the two functions display radial nodes at the same places?
What is the maximum inventory level : Setup cost is $60 for a run, and holding cost is $2 per box per month. Hint 1: Setup cost should be treated as ordering cost. Hint 2: Larger time unit is the month and smaller time unit is the day.


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