Calculate the cost of product and services

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133040774

ASSESSMENT TASK: CASE STUDY& ROLE PLAYS (2)- Plan and organise workflow

For this task, you are required undertake the following:
• Activity 1: Complete the questions and develop required documents
• Activity 2: Complete the questions and develop job roles and requirements for the event
• Activity 3: Participate in Event Set-up Activity (Roleplay #1)
• Activity 4: After the roleplay, prepare a performance report & prepare a staff attendance record
• Activity 5: Complete questions and investigate current and emerging industry trends and practices
• Activity 6: Participate in a second roleplay to discuss the introduction of new equipment technology

Case Study Background Information

AGC Accounting will be holding their end of year Christmas party at you work placement venue. There will be forty-eight (48) people attending the event. There will be twelve (12) tables of four (4) people.

There will be a Master of Ceremonies (MC) who will:
• give a five (5) minute welcome to the guests, twenty (20) minutes after the scheduled arrival time
• announce the end of drinks' service ten (10) minutes prior to the end of drinks' service, and
• announce the end of the night at the scheduled event end time.

Activity 1
Complete the following questions

Question 1
Complete Staff Skills and Requirements for the Event
You are to assume that your venue's financial and operating budgets dictate that it operates events with ratios of service staff to customers as follows-
• 1 food service wait staff per twenty- four (24) customers
• 1 beverage wait staff with RSA per six (6) tables
• 1 non- service supervisor for up to and including eight (8) staff on duty
List below the six (6) skills/attributes required for the event and the number of staff required for each skill/attribute. (note that a staff member could have more than one (1) skill).

Question 2
Complete Event Running Sheet
You are to assume that your venue's rostering considerations and procedures dictate the following:
• The supervisor and the wait staff are responsible for setting up for the event and are allocated 45 minutes to complete the set-up, which is to commence one hour before the scheduled event start time to allow for contingencies. The Supervisor is to lock up the venue 30 minutes after the scheduled event finish time
• The in-house DJ is required to test all of the audio equipment with the band during a sound-check during the set-up to allow for any equipment breakdowns or technical failures.
• The wait staff are responsible for final clearing after the event and are allocated 20 minutes to complete the clean-up. However, they are rostered until 30 minutes after to allow for any contingencies.
• The set-up is to be completed 15 minutes before the scheduled event start time.
• The beverage staff are not required to start until the staff briefing, and are rostered until 30 minutes after the end of drinks service.
• A final inspection and staff briefing will be undertaken 15 minutes before the scheduled event start time
• Only the minimum amount of staff and hours necessary are to be rostered for staff for each event, with no additional staff time allowed for delays and time difficulties, which includes no allowance for events running overtime.However, the event rosters are to provide for one casual staff to be available on-call with a minimum of two of the key services skills.
• There is a petty cash float of one hundred dollars ($100.00) available for emergencies.
Based on the information provided in the Case Study and the assumptions above, create a running sheet to plan for the event using the Event Running Sheettemplate provided following (also available as a separate handout on request if required)-

Activity 2
Complete the following questions

Question 1
Complete Schedule and Roster for Event
You have been delegated as the Supervisor for this event.
Using the template below, detail each individual job position that will need to be allocated to staff on the roster for the AGC event. Include your position as Event Supervisor.

Question 2
Write and send an email
Write and send a personalised and professional email to your Assessor who will Roleplay as the Venue Manager, to provide them with the staffing numbers, skills needed and roster hours for each for the AGC event.
Your email must be professional, clear and concise.

Question 3
Complete a costs analysis below to calculate the cost of product and services. Ensuring you add approximately 10% for potential customer compensation and a further 15% all over profitability on the event.

Activity 3
Participate in Event Set-up Activity (Roleplay)

For this task, you are required to participate in a Roleplay with a simulation of the venue's preparation for the AGC event described in Activity 2. The activity for preparation is the first four tasks on the Work Schedule/Running Sheet which need to be completed before guests start to arrive, i.e.-
i. Room set up
ii. Audio equipment sound-check
iii. Room final check
iv. Staff briefing
v. Readiness for welcoming drink service
The procedural specific set up requirements include-
• Organising the venue's layout into the required number of tables and chairs
• Setting the required number of place settings on the tables with cutlery, napkins
• Setting up the bar area with bottles of red wine and white wine and champagne
• Setting the tables with one water glass per guest plus one water jug per table
with each requirement carried out by the staff with the most relevant skills available at the time. You have a petty cash float of $100 available for emergency supplies etc. for this event.
Your assessor will advise the date and time of this Roleplay.
Your assessor will play the role of the venue manager and will ask other students (not being assessed during this simulated roleplay), to play various roles. The table below provides general script for each role to be played.

Roleplay Cast:
As a minimum the following individuals will also be at the Roleplay:
- Venue Manager (Assessor)
- 2 food service staff (other students)
- 2 beverage service staff (other students)
- DJ (other student)
Specific instructions for role players will be provided to the other participants.
Student Note: The script for specific role players in general in nature, so that the you will need to respond in real time, without notice.
During the roleplay you must:
1) Develop and clearly communicate short, medium and long -term plans and objectives.
2) Plan and organise the workflow to maximise efficiencies for the event set-up
3) Ensure your staff understand and agree to the goals and objectives of the set-up activity
4) Delegate work according to principles of delegation and encourage team and individuals to develop innovative approaches.
5) Seek feedback to identify any barriers to delegated tasks
6) Review, monitor and assess the workflow and progress against the objectives/ timelines and evaluate team member skills.
7) Assist the staff in prioritising the activity workload through supportive feedback and provide mentoring and coaching
8) Proactively consult with colleagues about ways to improve efficiency and service levels and motivate them to achieve optimal performance (including technical advice and support)
9) Be positive, professional and collaborative when challenging and testing ideas within the team
10) Anticipate/ respond to/ address any issues or problems that arise, using known contingencies available.
11) Share your knowledge and experiences with team members and initiate training where relevant initiate training.
12) Determine and Initiate short-term actions to resolve immediate issues or problems
13) Assess, seek feedback and respond to opportunities to improve sustainability
14) Encourage individual participation to solve problems or issues raised
15) Identify and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
16) Use questions and active listening to clarify/ confirm understanding encourage open and supportive communication within the team. Provide opportunity for staff to give feedback on product and services.  

Activity 4a

Complete the Event Feedback/ Performance Report

Activity 4 is not to be attempted until after the Activity 3 Roleplay has been completed within the allowed time and the Observation Checklist 2 has been assessed as satisfactory.

You are to prepare a performance report to your colleagues and management to provide feedback from the event set-up and to assist in future event planning.Use the Event Feedback and Performance Reporttemplate following for your report- (this template also available as a separate handout if required)

Activity 4b
Complete the Event / Activity Staff Attendance Record
Using theEvent Activity Staff Attendance Record template following (also available as a handout on request), you are to prepare a staff attendance record for the event;

Activity 5
Complete the following questions

Question 1
Following from your Event/Activity Feedback / Performance Report, the venue manager has asked you to investigate the suggestion and current and emerging industry trends and practices to use bottle-crushing equipment.
According to Sustainability Victoria's website what are the four (4) main environmental sustainability reasons to recycle glass?

Question 2
What are the six (6) key benefits to business of using a bottle crusher?

Question 3
According to the supplier Bottle Cycler, how many crushed stubbie bottles does their sixty (60) litre glass bin hold?

Question 4
According to the supplier Bottle Cycler, how many crushed wine bottles does their 60 litre glass bin hold?

Question 5
According to the Australian major supplier Bottle Cycler, what is the space saving % available by using their bottle crusher machine bins?

Question 6
Assuming your venue has eight (8) x 240 litre wheelie recycling bins, what is the number of Bottle Cycler bins needed to replace them?

Question 7
If your recommendation to use a bottle crusher is accepted, how can the effectiveness of that solution to managing the recycling of glass be monitored before and after implementation?

Activity 6
Participate in a Roleplay #2
You are required to participate in a Roleplay at a meeting with your Assessor who will role play as the owner of the business.
You are required to consult with the owner to discuss the introduction of bottle- crusher equipment as a potential long term solution to the problem of not enough recycling bins and the limited space available for recycling bins.

During the roleplay you must include each of the following:
1 Provide an adequate explanation of the issue at the recent AGC event
2 Provide an adequate explanation of the potential longer-term impact
3 Provide the business owner with the main environmental sustainability reasons to recycle glass
4 Adequately outline the benefits to the business of using bottle crusher equipment instead of relying on recycle bins for collection
5 Correctly explain how many wine and beer bottles could be crushed into the 60 litre bottle crusher bins
6 Correctly explain how many of the 8 x 240 litre bins currently used could be eliminated to save space
7 Provide an outline of how the venue could monitor the effectiveness of this solution
8 Consulted positively and proactively
9 Use open-ended question(s) to interact effectively and obtain/clarify requirements
10 Use a closed ended question to interact effectively and confirm requirements
11 Gave clarifications and responded appropriately to questions

Attachment:- Workplacement Cluster Assessment Booklet.rar

Reference no: EM133040774

Questions Cloud

Dominos pizza japan-fortressing or market expansion : 2. When is the case taking place and are there any considerations of note because of when it is taking place?
What would be the number of orders required per year : Usage per annum is 2 orders p.a. @ 1,500 units each. What would be the number (rounded) of orders required per year if the economic order quantity were used
Potential dangers of using biometrics : -How could the use of biometrics make e-commerce more secure?
Case study b wow events ltd : Wow Events Ltd is an events company that plans and organises medium to large-size music festivals across Australia.
Calculate the cost of product and services : Calculate the cost of product and services. Ensuring you add approximately 10% for potential customer compensation and a further 15% all over profitability
Compute the fixed production overheads absorption rate : Compute the fixed production overheads absorption rate per direct labour hour and explain why the company may have selected
What are the key elements of that policy and its supporting : What are the key elements of that policy and its supporting procedures - elements Business Australia recommends for face-to face customer service
Calculate total annual return : Zap Fund is the mainstay of your portfolio. The investment company just announced its? year-end distributions. The? long-term capital gain per share is ?$5.52 a
Managing group behaviour without formal power : The case study is both an academic exercise as well as an opportunity to resolve an organizational problem. In this context, as Organizational Behaviour (OB) s


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