Calculate the contribution margin for each product

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133827525

Assignment: Milestone Guidelines


The next step in planning for your new business is to analyze the cost behaviors and systems of your industry and conduct the relevant financial calculations to determine appropriate costing solutions. In this milestone assignment, you will conduct a break-even analysis to determine your target profits and the selling price you plan to use to achieve these profits for each product.


Use information from Milestone and the provided Milestone Two Market Research Data Appendix Word Document to conduct a cost-volume profit analysis. Complete the "Contribution Margin Analysis" and "Break-Even Analysis" tabs in the Project Workbook Spreadsheet that you used for completing the Milestone One assignment.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

A. Contribution Margin. Determine your contribution margin per unit in the "Contribution Margin Analysis" tab.

a. Choose a sales price for each product.

b. Calculate the contribution margin for each product based on your sales price and the variable cost for that product. Show your work using calculations to the side of the table or using appropriate formulas in the table.

B. Break-Even Analysis. Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to determine your break-even points for achieving your target profits in the "Break-Even Analysis" tab.

a. Determine the break-even points for each product. Show your work using calculations to the side of the table or using appropriate formulas in the table.

b. Determine break-even units for the suggested target profits for each product. Show your work using calculations to the side of the table or using appropriate formulas in the table.

Reference no: EM133827525

Questions Cloud

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What new knowledge or skill did you learn : What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role? What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?
Calculate the contribution margin for each product : Calculate the contribution margin for each product based on your sales price and the variable cost for that product.
Procedures for maintaining and managing range complex : What are the established procedures for maintaining and managing the range complex, and how are these procedures regularly evaluated and updated?
Determine the quality and quantity of resources : How does decision-making determine the quality and quantity of resources most appropriate to meet situations,
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How is organizational strategy implemented : What are the activities associated with organizational transformation? How is an organizational strategy implemented?


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