Calculate the concentration in the outlet line

Assignment Help Chemistry
Reference no: EM131513940

Question: In the previous problem assume water is pumped in the tank at a rate of 3 m3/min. If the water leaves the tank at a rate dependent on the liquid level such that Qout = 0.3h (where 0.3 is in m2/min and Q is in m3/min, h is in m. What is the height of liquid in the tank as a function of time?

2. Shown is a perfectly mixed tank containing 100 ft3 of an aqueous solution of 0.1 salt by weight. At time t = 0, pumps 1 and 2 are turned on. Pump 1 is pumping pure water into the tank at a rate of 10 ft3/hr and pump 2 pumps solution from the tank at 15 ft3/hr. Calculate the concentration in the outlet line as an explicit function of time.


Reference no: EM131513940

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