Calculate the average of three exams for five students

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131463531

Lab Assignment


This hands-on lab allows you to follow and experiment with the critical steps of developing a program including the program description, Analysis, , Design(program design, pseudocode), Test Plan, and implementation with C code. The example provided uses sequential, repetition statements and nested repetition statements.

Program Description:

This program will calculate the average of 3 exams for 5 students. The program will ask the user to enter 5 student names. For each of the students, the program will ask for 3 exam scores. The student name and the average exam score for each student will be calculated and printed.


The program will consist of two loops. An outer loop for each student and an inner loop for the exams of each student. I will define one String to store student name: StudentName.

I will define three Float variables: Examvalue, Sum, Avg to store exam values, the sum of the exams, and the average of the exams.

The sum will be calculated by this formula: Sum = Sum + Examvalue

For example, if the first value entered was 80.0 and second was 90.0 and the third exam was 100.0: sum = sum + Examvalue = 0.0 + 80.0

sum = 80.0 + 90.0 = 170.0
sum = 170.0 + 100.0 = 270.0
Avg is then calculated as: Avg = sum/3.0
For example 270.0/3.0 = 90.0

A nested repetition loop can be used to loop through each of the 5 students and each of the 3 exams: For (students=0; students <5; students++)

For (exams=0;exams<3;exams++) End For

End For

Sum values will need to be reset for each student to ensure only one student data is used for calculations each time.

Learning Exercises for you to try:

1. Modify the output printf statement so that the average grade is displayed with just three decimals places and so that there is two tabs between the student name and his average grade. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

2. Describes what happens if you don't have the following code Sum = 0.0 inside the for loop. Remove or comment out the line Sum = 0.0

// Sum = 0.0;

Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

3. Replace Sum = 0.0 back to where it was before (inside the loop). Modify the code to be able to input an undetermined number of students. Hint: you can prompt the user for the number of students and use that value Or you can use a sentinel loop approach OR you can prompt the user to continue. You will still only have 3 exams for each student. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Submit this code in a separate .txt ( or .c ) file.

4. Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the code you created after step 4.

Attachment:- Lab_Assignment.pdf

Reference no: EM131463531

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the average of three exams for five students : This program will calculate the average of 3 exams for 5 students. The program will ask the user to enter 5 student names.
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What are information rules : In your own words, describe how information reduces risk when you make a personal or work-related decision. What are information rules?
Explain the ethical implications of both options : Examine the current legal and regulatory requirements that are present in this situation.Explain the ethical implications of both options.
Explain general security architecture for the company : Determine the most important assets of the company, which must be protected. Determine general security architecture for the company.


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