Calculate the autocovariance function of the sales

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13508196


Are the following series stationary?

1)   Yt = Yt-i + εt.

2)   yt = εi + εt.

3)   yt = εi - θ1εt-i - θ2et-i.

4)    yt = sin(Πt) + εt.


Manually sketch (by-hand) the autocorrelation function (ACF) for the following processes :

1) AFtMA(1,1) with Φ = 0.7 and θ = 0.4

2) ARMA(1,1) with Φ = 0.7 and θ = -0.4

Discus the important characteristics of the ACF for an ARMA(1,1) model


Consider the following AREvIA (p, d, q) time seres :

yt = 0.8yt-1- 0.2yt-2 + εt.

1) Identify p, d and q

2) Calculate the autocovariance function of the saies using the Yule-Walker equations


Suppose that {xt} is a time series such that : xt = μ + yt where μ is a constant and the estimator of μ is x' = 1/n Σt=1nxt

Compute :

1) Var(x') if yt is white noise

2) Var(x') if yt is εt - (1/3)et-1

3) Var(x') if yt is εt + (1/3)yt-1

Reference no: EM13508196

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