Calculate the area

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13762675

1. An area is calculated by multiplying the length by the width. The pseudocode program below should ask the user for the length and width of a rectangular room in order to calculate the area, and display the room's area. Will it do the job?

  • area = width * length
  • Display "What is the room's width?"
  • Input width.
  • Display "What is the room's length?"
  • Input length.
  • Display area.

2. Write a pseudocode algorithm for the program Credit Available: calculates a customer's credit available

  •  should ask the user for the customer's maximum credit amount; the credit used by the customer
  •  calculate and display the customer's available credit using the data inputted.

3. Write a pseudocode algorithm for the program Account Balance: calculates the current balance in a
bank account

  • ask the user for the starting balance, total amount of debits, credits and the monthly
  • interest rate calculate the current balance with the inputs
  • display the information on the screen

4. Write a pseudocode algorithm for the program HST: calculates the total of a retail sale

  •  ask the user for the retail price of the purchased item
  •  calculate and display the HST (13%) for the purchase and the total of the sale

5. Write a Java program that converts mile to Kilometers. (One mile equals 1.60935 kms) Read the miles value from the user as a floating point value.

6. Write a Java program that determines the value of the coins in a jar and prints the total in dollars and cents. Read integer values that represent the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

7. Write a program that reads the radius of a sphere and prints its volume and surface area using the following formula. Print the output to four decimal places. r represents the radius:

  • volume=4/3∏r3
  • surface area=4∏r2

Reference no: EM13762675

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