Calculate the amount of crude oilthat the u.s

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13992515

Petroleum savings via ethanol use: The production of ethanol for use in liquid fuels has beenheavily subsidized in recent years. In assessing the success of these programs, it's important tokeep the entire life cycle of ethanol fuels in mind. a. Up to 10% by volume of gasoline in theU.S. may consist of corn-based ethanol. Using this information, calculate the amount of crude oilthat the U.S. saves per year via the displacement of gasoline by ethanol. b. Burning of ethanol isalso more favorable than burning of gasoline from a carbon-emissions standpoint.

Calculate thetonnage of CO2 saved per year by displacement of gasoline with ethanol in the U.S. c. Find theamount of oil consumed in the conversion of corn to ethanol. Compare this to the amountconsumed during the oil refining process which supplies us with gasoline d. What factors havebeen left out of this calculation so far? Find references for the magnitudes of these factors, andsum up the total amount of petroleum saved in a year, and total amount of CO2 saved in a year.

Reference no: EM13992515

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