Calculate the amount of changes in length of the rod

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13319301

At a certain temperature T1, a 6.288x10^1 mm rod of a copper alloy containing 3.1715x10^1 at% Ni has a resistivity of 2.788x10^1 x 10-8 O-m.

For pure copper, the resistivity at 0°C is 1.58 x 10-8 O-m and the change in resistivity per degree increase in temperature is 6.50 x 10-11 (O-m)/°C. The value of A for nickel in copper is 1.18 x 10-6 O-m and the coefficient of thermal expansion of this alloy is 1.65x10^1 x 10-6 (°C)-1.

If the resistivity of this alloy is dependent only on thermal and impurity considerations, find the amount of changes in length of the rod (in mm) when the temperature is changed from T1 to 1.47268x10^2 °C.

Reference no: EM13319301

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