Calculate the age based on the age

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131474881

I have date of birth column in my table and I want to calculate the age based on the age that will reach 65 within 6 months from the date of the report generated  and that would be treated as  Medicare else no eligible for Medicare

I started to code in T-sql as

getdate() as today case when datediff(yy,m.date_of_birth ,getdate()) as age

case  WHEN DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(YEAR,m.date_of_birth ,getdate())  ,m.date_of_birth)(I do not know wether it works )





Make use of CASE when if possible

I need to display the age with the months too.

The logic should be in a such a way that you display the age in such a way (the condition is when the age reaches 64 yrs 6 months, it should treated as Medicare else no Medicare)?.

Reference no: EM131474881

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