Calculate the additional amount of sales

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131137151

The instructions are as follows:

Modify the Week Three Java application using NetBeans IDE to meet these additional and changed business requirements:
- The application will now compare the total annual compensation of at least two salespersons.
- It will calculate the additional amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or exceed the higher of the two earners.
- The application should ask for the name of each salesperson being compared.
The Java application should also meet these technical requirements:
- The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application's controlling class.
- The source code must demonstrate the use of Array or ArrayList.
- There should be proper documentation in the source code.
Submit your Java application file using the Assignment Files tab.

Here is what my week 3 is and I add your information and it doesn't work.
/*Individual Week 2 Java Assignment

package commission;
* @author Kr5975
public class Commission {
* @paramargs the command line arguments

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the Total Annual Sales of the Person");// Request for User Input for Annual Sales
intannualsales = sc.nextInt();// Read the input as Integer and assign it to annualsales variable
System.out.println("With an Annual Salary of $100,000 and 5 % commision on total annual sales" );//display the salary and commision rate

Salesperson sp = new Salesperson(annualsales);//To create an Instance of a new sales person

System.out.println("The Annual Compensation is " + sp.getTotalAnnualCompensation());
//Calculates the annual compensation and gives the output

// TODO Auto-generated method
int salary =100000;
System.out.println("Total Sales Total Compensation");
for(int i =100000;i<=150000;i=i+5000){
System.out.println("tiny_mce_markerquot;+i +" ttiny_mce_markerquot;+salary);
else if (i>120000){
System.out.println("tiny_mce_markerquot;+i +" ttiny_mce_markerquot;+salary);
System.out.println("tiny_mce_markerquot;+i +" ttiny_mce_markerquot;+salary);


package commission;
* @author KR5975
public class Salesperson {

// fixed salary variable
// variable of the value of salepersons annual sales
//commission earned
double commission;
public Salesperson(double annualSales){
commission=0.05*annualSales;//The current commission is 5% of total sales.
fixedSalary=100000;//The set fixed salary is $100000
public double getTotalAnnualCompensation(){// Calculate total annual compensation this is the fixed salary and add the commission earned

Reference no: EM131137151

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