Calculate the activity ratios for the companies

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131681188

Case 1 - Ratio Analysis

Download the 2011 - 2015 financial statements for:

Boston Beer Company, Inc.

Anheuser-Busch InBev NV

Molson Coors, LLC

1. Calculate the Activity Ratios for the companies.
2. Calculate the Liquidity Ratios for the companies.
3. Calculate the Solvency Ratios for the companies.
4. Calculate the Profitability Ratios for the companies.


1. Using the Activity Ratios, how well is each company performing over time? For 2015, how do the companies compare to each other?

2. Using the Liquidity Ratios, how well is each company performing over time? For 2015, how do the companies compare to each other?

3. Using the Solvency Ratios, how well is each company performing over time? For 2015, how do the companies compare to each other?

4. Using the Profitability Ratios, how well is each company performing over time? For 2015, how do the companies compare to each other?

Verified Expert

The various ratios of the following three companies have been calculated and analysed: 1. Boston Beer Company, Inc. 2. Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 3. Molson Coors, LLC The figures have been retrieved from the annual reports of the respective companies as found on their sites. Further, the inter company comparison have been done in order to judge the comparison between both the companies. Also, the analysis has been done on intra-firm basis over the period of time.

Reference no: EM131681188

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1/17/2018 4:26:40 AM

I get a kick out of the chance to thanks you for my last couple of assignments. My task expert gave me perfect work. I got A in my class, what I desired. I really value the work. thanks.


12/18/2017 4:50:15 AM

Required Course Materials: Textbook: International Financial Statement Analysis. Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Robinson, Henry, Perie and Broihahn. ISBN: 978114314216418999479 these are the textbook details


10/16/2017 12:52:49 AM

i do not have the text book details but i believe it is just for examples. 1. Using Exhibit 10 in your book, calculate the Activity Ratios for the companies. 2. Using Exhibit 12, calculate the Liquidity Ratios for the companies. 3. Using Exhibit 14, calculate the Solvency Ratios for the companies. 4. Using Exhibit 15, calculate the Profitability Ratios for the companies.

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