Calculate square or cube of positive integer input by a user

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131674437

Assignment: Hands-On Lab


This hands-on lab allows you to follow and experiment with the critical steps of developing a program including the program description, analysis, test plan, design, and implementation with C code. The example provided uses sequential, repetition, selection statements and two user-defined function.

Program Description

This program will provide options for a user to calculate the square or cube of a positive Integer input by a user. The program will prompt the user to enter an Integer and then prompt the user if they want to calculate the square of the cube of the number. Based on the inputs of the user, the program will output the square of the cube of the positive integer. The program will then print the Integer and square or cube of the integer based on the user's original choice. The program will continue to prompt the user for Integers and their calculation choice until the user enters a negative integer. The square and cube calculations should be calculated using a function.


I will use sequential, selection, and repetition programming statements and functions for the cube and square calculations.

I will define three Integer numbers: IntValue, MenuSelect, Results to store the Integer value input by the user, the Menu selection (1 for Square, 2 for Cube) of the user, and the results of the Square or Cube functions.

The Square function will take one Integer as input and return one Integer as the output. The calculation within the Square function is: Results = IntValue * IntValue

For example, if 10 was entered as the IntValue. Results = 10*10 = 100

The Cube function will take one Integer as input and return one Integer as the output. The calculation within the Cube function is: Results = IntValue * IntValue*IntValue

For example, if 10 was entered as the IntValue. Results = 10*10*10 = 1000

Attachment:- Hands-OnLab.pdf

Reference no: EM131674437

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