Calculate some statistics about the performance

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM132105145


In this problem, you will write LC-3 assembly code to calculate some statistics about the performance of 30 students in a class, based on their scores for an exam Assume that the scores of the 30 students are present in contiguous memory locations, starting at 0x4000 For each of the following, your program must implement subroutines.

Failure to do so will result in deduction of points even if you get the correct results.

1) Implement a subroutine MAX SCORES to find the highest score obtained by a student and store this value in the memory location 0x5000

2) Implement a subroutine MIN SCORES to find the lowest score obtained by a student and store this value in the memory location 0x5001

3) Implement a subroutine AVG SCORES to calculate the average score of the class and store this value in memory location 0x5002. lf the average score is a fraction, round it off to the next higher integer. For example, if the average turns out to be 30.22, the average should be rounded off to 31

4) Implement a subroutine BELOW AVG to calculate the number of students who have scored below the class average (which has been rounded off), and store this value in memory location 0x5003 

Your code should start at memory location 0x3000. You can assume there is no overflow of integers at any step.

Reference no: EM132105145

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