Calculate payroll for department and employee

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132080166

You need help writing a Java program.

Lab - Calculate Payroll for Department and Employee

Purpose: Build an application to calculate an Employee's Gross Pay and a Department's Average Pay Report

Requirements: Build an application that would allow the end-user to calculate an Employee's Gross Pay and the Department's average Gross Pay Report.

First, the user will enter each employee's name, hours worked and hourly pay rate into parallel arrays. Then the application calculates and displays each Employee's Full Name and Payroll Information (see both inputs and outputs listed in the tables below).


1. Assume your department has 10 employees (or less).

2. Gross Pay = (Regular hours* pay rate) + (Over Time hours * pay rate *1.5)

a. Regular hours are less than or equal to 40

Language: JAVA

Techniques: Your successful program will implement the following program techniques:

1. Arrays and Array Processing - (Arrays will hold employee information)

2. Methods - (Most of your process should be in methods)

3. Decisions - (Enter only hours worked - Your application calculates regular and overtime hours)

4. Loops - (For processing each employee)

Table 1- Data Requirements

Data Requirements
Employee Info
First Name:
Last Name:
Regular Hours Worked
Pay Rate
Currency or Double
Enter Employee's Name
Enter Regular Hours
Enter Overtime Hours
Enter Pay Rate
Calculate Gross Pay
(output Format see below)
Employee's Full Name
Pay Rate
Employee's Gross Pay
Department Ave Pay
Table 2-Output Format
Pay Rate
Gross Pay
Smith, Joe
$ 10.00
$ 400.00
Smith, Sally
$ 20.50
$ 615.00
Smith, Chris
$ 10.00
$ 550.00
Department Average
$ 521.67


I. Copy the following into one Microsoft Word document (using same file naming conventional as zip file below): Make sure to follow lab submittal instruction in the checklist
1. Algorithm / Pseudocode
2. Source Code - The printed copies of your files - the code that you wrote
3. Screen Print of your running application
4. UML - Use Case

II. Zip all Java files (complete folder) into one Zip file (not a rar)
1. named YourName-Lab#X
i. #X = Lab Number
ii. YourName = Your Name
iii. (ie Jesse-Lab2)

III. In Canvas (All files must be in one Upload)
1. Word document from above (See Section I) (xxx.docx)
2. Zip file (

Reference no: EM132080166

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