Reference no: EM131773521
Complete the following financial data and analysis based on latest annual data available (probably 2016) from Form 10K or Annual Report for Netlix , Microsoft or Google:
Profitability (GM, ROA, ROE, ROIC, and ROR: Activity Ratios (Inventory turnover, Total asset turnover, Cash turnover)); Leverage Ratios (Debt to equity, LT Debt to equity, Financial leverage index); Liquidity (Operating cash flow); and Market Ratios (Book value/share, PE ratio)
Additionally calculate last four year growth in revenue and earnings (cagr).
What is Moody's Bond Rating?
Is the company in a strong financial position - why/why not? Is it investing for future (R&D etc)?
Is the company positioned fro growth - why/why not? Are their opportunities to pursue in order to grow the company? Can the company grow organically?
Which is a better indicator of the health of the company - financial information or market valuation? Why?