Reference no: EM132607696
1) If we want to calculate how much risk from several investment instruments, do we calculate it using the formula?
2) If we want to calculate how much risk from an investment instrument, do we calculate it using the formula?
3) If we want to calculate how much the return of several investment instruments, we calculate with the formula?
4) If we want to calculate how much the return of an investment instrument, we calculate it with the formula?
5) If the returns from the 5 periods are known as 10%, 8%, 5%, 7%, 12 & how much is the expected return?
6) Debt instruments commonly issued by the Company are called?
7) The amount of yield received by bond buyers, usually measured in%, is called?
8) The formula using D = P / (r-g) is?
9) Bond quality which AAA quality is?
10) The measure of the rate of return received by the bond buyer is called?
11) The formula for calculating how long the return on investment is called?
12) The formula for calculating how much the return on investment in a project (in rupiah) is called?
13) The formula for calculating how much the return on investment in a project (in%) is called?
14) If the NPV is negative and the IRR is below the deposit interest rate and the payback period is longer than the bank loan period, is the project worth investing in?
15) If the NPV is positive and the IRR is below the deposit interest rate and the payback period is faster than the period of the bank loan, is the project worth investing in?