Calculate federal and fica taxes withheld and calculate net

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13938676

/this program will calculate federal and fica taxes withheld and calculate net pay
//for an employee

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

//function prototypes

void empInput(string&, float&, float&, float&);
float calcFwt(float, float);
float calcFica (float, float);
float calcNetPay (float, float, float);
void dispEPay (string, float, float, float);

int main ()
string name = "";
float wkSal = 0.0;
float fedWld = 0.0;
float fedWldRate = 0.0;
float ficaWld = 0.0;
float ficaWldRate = 0.0;
float netPay = 0.0;
int howMany = 0;
int count;

cout<<"Please enter the number of employees you want to process: ";
cin>> howMany;

//begin loop

for (count = 1; count <= howMany; count++)
//enter input items

empInput(name, wkSal, fedWldRate, ficaWldRate);

//calculate fed tax

fedWld = calcFwt(wkSal, fedWldRate);

//calculate fica tax

ficaWld = calcFica(wkSal, ficaWldRate);

//calculate net pay

netPay = calcNetPay(wkSal, fedWld, ficaWld);

//display employees name pay and taxes withheld

dispEPay(name, fedWld, ficaWld, netPay);

return 0;
}//end of main function

//*********program defined function**********

void empInput(string& emp, float& salary1, float& tax1, float& tax2)

cout<<"Please enter employee's name: ";
getline(cin, emp);
cout<<"Please enter employee's salay: ";
cin>> salary1;
while(salary1 < 0)
cout<<"Salary should be a positive number: ";
cout<<"Please enter employee's salary: ";
cin>> salary1;
cout<<"Please enter federal income tax rate: ";
cin>> tax1;
while(tax1 < 0)
cout<<"The tax rate should be a positive number: ";
cout<<"Please enter federal income tax rate: ";
cin>> tax1;
cout<<"Please enter the fica tax rate: ";
cin>> tax2;
while(tax2 < 0)
cout<<"The tax rate should be a positive number: ";
cout<<"Please enter the fica tax rate: ";
cin>> tax2;
cin.ignore (1);
}//end of getinput function

float calcFwt(float empsal, float fedrate)
return empsal * fedrate;

}//end of calcfwt function

float calcFica(float salary, float ficarate)

return salary * ficarate;

}//end of calcFica

float calcNetPay(float esalary, float fed, float fica)

return esalary - fed - fica;

}//end of netpay function

void dispEPay(string employee, float fed1, float fica1, float pay)
cout<<"Employee's name: "<< employee << endl;
cout<<"Federal tax withheld: "<< fed1 << endl;
cout<<"FICA tax withheld: "<< fica1 << endl;
cout<<"Employee's net pay is $: "<< pay << endl;

system ("pause");
system ("cls");
}//end of dispepay function

My problem is when I run it, after I enter the employee's name, I have to push enter twice before it will say enter salary. I think I am doing something wrong w/cin.ignore

Reference no: EM13938676

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