Calculate employees raise based on performance rating

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131216463

Programming ASSIGNMENT

Algorithms and Output Specification

Implementation Details for an Employee's Raise and Tax calculation

This program should be implemented using only one class named Assignment3. The program must contain a main method only.

The program should give two options to the user:

1. Calculating the raise for an employee, which will be based on employee's performance
2. Calculating the tax for an employee

Main Menu Display

As the program starts, a menu is to be displayed which gives two options to the user:

Choose from an option below (1 or 2):

1. Calculate raise for an employee
2. Calculate tax for an employee Your choice:

The user will enter a number, either 1 or 2.

After the user enters a valid action your program will use a switch statement to go to the appropriate case.

1. Calculate Raise for an employee

The first option is to calculate raise for an employee.

a. Ask the user and read an employee's annual salary

Enter current annual salary of employee:

b. Ask the user and read an employee's performance rating

Enter the performance rating (Excellent, Good, or Poor):

c. Calculate employee's raise based on performance rating

For excellent performance, employees get a 6% raise on their current salary
For good performance, employees get a 4% raise on their current salary
For poor performance, employees get a 1.5% raise on their current salary

d. Calculate new salary of employee by adding the raise to their current salary

e. Display the amount of raise and new salary for employee (Format the amounts to display as currency). Hint: Use getCurrencyInstance() from NumberFormat class

2. Calculate Tax for an employee

The second option is to calculate tax for an employee.

a. Ask the user and read an employee's annual salary

Enter current annual salary of employee:

b. Calculate employee's tax based on the following tax bracket For salary in the range (100000, 150000]

Tax is computed as: tax = (currentSalary - 100000) * 0.1 For salary in the range (150000, 250000],
Tax is computed as: tax = 5000.0 + (currentSalary - 150000) * 0.2 For salary > 250000,
Tax is computed as: tax = 25000.0 + (currentSalary - 250000) * 0.3

c. Display the amount of tax for employee (Format the amounts to display as currency).

Reference no: EM131216463

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