Calculate chi-square

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13528932

Question 4: On December 18,2010, the U.S. Senate voted on the question of whether to repeal the don't ask don 't tell Policy (DADT) Regarding gays in the military. The relationship between party affiliation and vote IS shown-in the following table


Repeal DADT?                         Democrat                       Republican                 Total

No                                                0                            31                            31

Yes                                              55                            8                              63

Total                                            55                           39                             94

(Note: Two independents also voted yes. Four senators, one Democrat and three Republicans, did not vote.)

A.      Calculate chi-square for this table. Show your work. Draw a table just like the one above, leaving room in each cell to record these numbers: observed frequency fo), expected frequency fe),

F-fe(f0-fe)2 and (f0-fe)2/fe

B. Use chi-square to test the null hypothesis that, in the population from which the sample was drawn, there is no relationship between party and vote. Using Table 7-7) find the appropriate critical value (use the .05 level of significance). (i) Write down the critical value. (Ii) Should you reject the null hypothesis or not reject the null hypothesis? (iii) Explain your reasoning.

C.  Calculate lambda for this table. (i) Show your work. (il) Write a sentence explaining exactly what the value of lambda means. (iii) State whether the relationship is weak, moderate, moderately strong, or strong.

Reference no: EM13528932

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