Calculate cash flow provided by operating activities (cfo)

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM13213362

 Based on the value driver assumptions provided, create pro-forma income statement (Cells Rows 25 - 39) and balance sheet  (Rows 40 -57) for years 2xx1 through 2xx5. Assume cash and revolving credit as plugs.

  1. Calculate cash flow provided by operating activities (CFO) (Rows 65 - 73)
  2. Calculate free cash flow using CFO. (Row 79)
  3. Calculate free cash flow using EBIT (Rows 81 - 94)
  4. What is WACC? (B96)
  5. What is the terminal value for FCFs for the period after 2xx5? (B97)
  6. Calculate the value of the firm (enterprise value)  (B99)
  7. Calculate the share holder equity (B100)
  8. Calculate the value of one share of equity (B101)
  9. Conduct a sensitivity analysis on the effects of sales growth rate on stock value (B120:C130).  How would you describe the effect? (Double click this area and answer below)


  1. Conduct a Sensitivity analysis on the effects of Beta and LT growth rate of FCF on Enterprise value (B135 - G146). How would you describe the effects?


Monte Carlo simulation given the probability assumptions (use WorkSheet "Simulation")

  1. Copy the entire worksheet to a separate worksheet, "Simulation"
  2. Set the simulation setting: 5,000 iterations
  3. Use the following distributions of the  input variables

                Sales growth rate: Uniform (7%,9%)

                Capital expenditure to sales ratio: Uniform (8%,12%)

                Long-term growth rate of FCFs: Uniform (0%, 4%)

                Dividend payout ratio: Triang(25%,30%,35%)

                Company equity beta: Triang(1.2, 1.5,1.8

  1. Run the simulation. Using the tornado graph, identify the value drivers with the most impact and the least impact on the stock price.

ANSWER: (Write your answer in the space below)


  1. What is the mean value of the stock price?         

ANSWER: (Write your answer in the space below)


  1. Would you buy the stock at the current price of $70.00? Why?

ANSWER: (Write your answer in the space below)


  1. Explain the significance of the terminal value in your analysis and recommendation above.

ANSWER: (Write your answer in the space below)

Download:- MonteCarlo.xls

Reference no: EM13213362

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