Calculate and displays membership fees

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131652600

Assignment - Practical Programming Project


This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of variables, constants, types, operators, input/output, loops, if statements, classes, objects and functions.


Create a C# application that calculate and displays membership fees for N customers who registered for membership from a sport center based in Victoria, Australia. Declared a constant variable M to be equal to the largest digit of your student id number (e.g. if your student id is s3025423 then M should be equal to 5). Assume M=4, if the largest digit of your student id number is less than 4. The standard charges of membership are shown below

Length of Membership Rate (induding tax) 
1-6 months $30.0 per month  
6-12 months $27.5 per month  
More than 12 months $25.0  per month 

Specific Requirements

The application should ask the user to enter the customer name, the number of months for membership, and yes or no to indicate whether the customer receives a special offer or not. The special offer will give customers a 15% discount of the memship no matter how many months they register.

Assume that the number of month to be entered is an integer type with the range between 1 and 60. An error message should be issued if a user enters a value beyond this range and the re-entering is required.

The program makes a calculation of membership and displays the result as shown in the below figure. The program should be kept running with entering next set of input data.

Submission Requirements

You are required to submit two files:

1. Your application project packed as a single zip file.

2. A user manual document to show how your program works, provide screenshot and test cases. Assignment Cover Sheet with your name and student ID should be added at the beginning as a cover page. Document should be submitted in Word format.

Reference no: EM131652600

Questions Cloud

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Calculate and displays membership fees : Create a C# application that calculate and displays membership fees for N customers who registered for membership from a sport center based in Victoria
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What worms and trojan horses are : Part 1: Provide a detailed description of what worms and Trojan horses are.


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