Calculate and display the grade point average

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131171521


The aim of this assignment is to the test student's ability to use control structures, arrays and work with classes and objects to solve specific problems using a programming language.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Use different program control statements in a programming language

2. Demonstrate the use of arrays with a programming language

3. Define and work with classes and objects in a programming language.The evaluation will be done on the strength of analysis presented in the proposal. You need to submit a work proposal for this assignment in the form of a completed
- What you will do with the given tasks and the dates by when they will be completed
- General overview of initial understanding of solutions to all the tasks
- Identification of Literature Resources

1.2 Red Sands University (RSU) is a popular brand of education in Bidiya. RSU offers business degree for undergraduate programs. It wants to have an 36

information system to calculate the GPA of the students appearing for the examination. As a first step, you have been asked to develop a mini system in Java to read data of three (3) students. The program must read the student id, name and marks scored in 5 modules - module1, module2, module3, module4, module5. Each module is of 10 credits. The program must determine the grade based on the marks scored using table 1.1 given below:

Table 1.1: Determining grades





































Based on the grade, the program must map the equivalent numerical value of grade for each module using table 1.2 given below:

Table 1.2: Mapping grades to numerical values


Numerical value

























Finally the program needs to calculate and display the Grade Point Average

(GPA). You may use the following as an example to understand this whole business process.

module1 89 A- 10 3.67 X 10 = 36.7
module2 82 B 10 3.0 X 10 = 30.0
module3 85 B+ 10 3.33 X 10 = 33.0
module4 92 A 10 4.0 X 10 = 40.0
module5 77 B- 10 2.67 X 10 = 26.7
--- ---- ---------
50 50 166.7
--- ---- --------- Sem. GPA = 166.7 / 50 = 3.334
Rounded = 3.34

The program must use array of objects to read the student id, name, marks in 5 modules for 3 students. Format the output, especially the numeric values to two decimal places.

Create a test case for sample inputs, work out manually the possible output for these inputs. Verify that the program actually produces the same output.

Evaluation Criteria:

You would be evaluated on the following:

- Originality of answer, i.e. writing your own programs

- WRITTEN VIVA: Your Assignment marks are based on the WRITTEN VIVA which will be conducted upon submission of assignment. The WRITTEN VIVA will be based on the tasks given in the assignment. ZERO marks will be awarded to the student if she/he is absent for VIVA.

- Proper analysis of given problem, adequate covering of intended learning outcomes and presenting the answers in good, documented form.

- Adequate referencing has been done, following CU Harvard style of referencing.

Verified Expert

This program helps you find out the GPA of the students on the basis of the marks obtained in the modules. There are 5 modules and the program ask for marks for each module. It compute GPA for each module on the basis of the criteria and compute the total to get the final marks and then divide by 50 to get the GPA which is rounded off to 2 decimal places. This process is repeated for 3 students and finally a report is presented to the user in the specific format containing all the details.

Reference no: EM131171521

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