Calculate and display the cost per kilogram

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13812486


You will need to design an application that will receive the weight of a parcel and calculate and display the cost per kilogram and the delivery charge for that parcel. Calculate the charges using the following data.

Parcel Weight (kg)Cost per kg ($)

< 2.5 kg$3.50 per kg

2.5 to 5 kg$2.85 per kg

> 5kg$2.45 per kg

Make sure that the weight entered is a positive number, otherwise your program should display an error message and end. Test your algorithm with the following three sets of data.

Test case 1: package weight of 2 kg

Test case 2: package weight of 5 kg

Test case 3: package weight of 6 kg.

Reference no: EM13812486

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