Calculate and display running total of yesterdays receipts

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131891090

Problem: Advanced Java Programming with Object-Oriented Programming Design

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!!: This program for the question below MUST USE at least 2 CLASSES, getters/setters, etc and other object-oriented design (OOD) concepts because I'm in a more advanced Java class that requires me to utilize the concepts mentioned above. Also, I need detailed, but brief comments to most, if not all of the code to explain what is being used in the code and what is does so I have a better understanding of the code. I've seen answers to the question below already posted, however they don't utilize object-oriented design (OOD) concepts such as a minumum of two classes, getters/setters, etc which is required for this advanced Java programming class. So and meet the requirements for this. Here's to hoping this works out......thank you!

A parking garage charges a $2.00 minimum fee to park for up to three hours. The garage charges an additional $0.50 per hour for each hour or part thereof in excess of three hours. The maximum charge for any given 24-hour period is $10.00. Assume that no car parks for longer than 24 hours at a time. Write an application that calculates and displays the parking charges for each customer who parked in the garage yesterday. You should enter the hours parked for each customer via screen as user input. The program should display the charge for the current customer and should calculate and display the running total of yesterday's receipts.

Reference no: EM131891090

Questions Cloud

How might a qualitative study investigate the experience : Findings and generalisations you can draw from the data.How would the approaches differ in the kind of findings that are produced from the analysis?
Implement the use case behaviors : Create a UML behavioral model showing how objects from the classes of the structural model collaborate to implement the use case behaviors described.
Depository and non depository financial institutions : Explain the difference between depository and non depository financial institutions and would like to have a current example please.
Conduct inductive and deductive research : The purpose of this two-step exercise is for you to conduct inductive and deductive research using qualitative methods.
Calculate and display running total of yesterdays receipts : The program should display the charge for the current customer and should calculate and display the running total of yesterday's receipts.
How does this program successfully reach the population : For Assignment the goal is to look at health programs/interventions and analyze how they are culturally competent.
What kinds of protein consumption changes would you make : In one to two paragraphs, what kinds of protein consumption changes would you make to your diet?
Identify two advantages to using oop as compared to pp : Identify at least two advantages to using OOP as compared to using only PP. Describe at least one feature of object-oriented programming that Visual Logic lack.
Have you been the victim of any stereotypes : Read the article, "A Foot in Each Culture (By AUDREY FISCHER): Howard University Law Professor Fights Racial Stereotypes" on to the U.S. Library of Congress.


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