Reference no: EM132363419
Integrate Sustainability in ICT Planning and Design Projects Assignment -
Performance Criteria - Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Prepare to integrate sustainability into planning and design stages of ICT project.
1.1 Evaluate suitable ICT projects into which sustainability can be integrated.
1.2 Negotiate with stakeholders to establish extent to which sustainability is to be integrated.
1.3 Research and identify suitable technology solutions applicable to project.
1.4 Gather power consumption data on ICT equipment required for energy audit based on agreed standard.
2. Devise strategies for incorporating sustainability into ICT project.
2.1 Determine and oversee implementation of short-term technology solutions to achieve reduction of power consumption.
2.2 Initiate and progress sustainable management principles that result in reduced environmental impact.
2.3 Establish, regularly review and improve key performance indicators (KPI) on sustainability performance.
2.4 Incorporate innovative planning and design rules for ICT projects that foster sustainability and environmental best practice.
3. Analyse energy audit data
3.1 Identify energy usage within scope of ICT project and provide detailed report.
3.2 Estimate potential energy savings and payback periods for recommended actions.
3.3 Estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for nominated project.
3.4 Evaluate estimated CO2 emissions with comparable benchmarks.
3.5 Make recommendations in order of priority and give estimates of implementation costs on integration of sustainability for other ICT projects.
Performance Evidence - Evidence of the ability to:
- plan and integrate sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects by devising strategies to conserve resources
- analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption
- develop and monitor policies for review and improvements, benchmarking against industry best practice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.
Knowledge Evidence - To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
- discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area
- explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the industry and organisation
- discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications for new policy
- explain how to estimate CO2 emissions
- summarise ICT power consumption calculations
- discuss policy development processes and practices
- summarise power consumption audit methodology
- identify principles, practices and available tools and techniques of sustainability management relevant to the telecommunications industry
- describe quality assurance systems relevant to own organisation
- summarise systems and procedures to aid in the achievement of workplace sustainability.
Assessment 1 - Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)
1.1 As an individual working in the ICT sector, you have been asked to become a member of your organisation's newly formed business unit 'Green Team'. This team is responsible for helping to introduce best sustainability practices into your workplace. In return for your commitment you will receive resource efficiency training. Once trained, describe what you will be expected to do. (Discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area).
1.2 A business realises that it does not have a formal process in place to identify changes to environmental / sustainability legislation and standards. What sources can it use to locate new information about such changes and how should identified changes be communicated to its employees? (Explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the industry and organisation).
1.3 Introducing sustainability initiatives into a workplace may have unintended consequences that affect Workplace Health and Safety. Explain, with examples, why WHS should be considered when introducing new sustainability initiatives. (Discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications for new policy).
1.4 Explain the steps required to calculate an ICT carbon footprint for a department. (Explain how to estimate CO2 emissions).
1.5 A server runs 24 hours a day. Assume the device uses 2,100 watts per hour and electricity currently costs $0.35 per KWh. Calculate the average monthly power cost of running the server. Show your calculations. (Summaries ICT power consumption calculations).
1.6 Why is it recommended that sustainability policy development is done using a continuous, iterative approach? (Discuss policy development processes and practices).
1.7 How would an energy auditor conduct an audit which satisfied the requirements of AS/NZ 3598? (Summarise power consumption audit methodology).
1.8 Explain how the practice of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) can impact ICT sustainability. (Identify principles, practices and available tools and techniques of sustainability management relevant to the telecommunications industry).
1.9 Sustainability practitioners work with energy efficiency, supply chain behaviour, reduced waste, and a strong focus on reputation management. The quality assurance practitioners aim to create lean operations, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. Discuss the commonality between the two systems. (Describe quality assurance systems relevant to own organisation).
1.10 Explain why many modern ICT organisations are adopting sustainability systems and procedures, like environmental KPI reporting. (Summarise systems and procedures to aid in the achievement of workplace sustainability).
Assessment 2 - Performance Assessment (Skills)
Requirements - Read the case study carefully then answer the questions following. You may assume any information that has not been mentioned in the case study, however any assumptions you make must be clearly identified as assumptions.
Case Study: KPMG
2.1 How can this KPMG case study assist someone who is responsible for planning and integrating sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects? (Plan and integrate sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects by devising strategies to conserve resources).
2.2 For a multinational operation like KPMG, what approach would they have used when analysing energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption? (Analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption).
2.3 What are some of the issues a multinational operation that operates in over 150 countries faces when attempting to benchmark against industry best practice? (Develop and monitor policies for review and improvements, benchmarking against industry best practice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.).
Assessment 3 - Presentation
Introduction - Presentation is the process of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience. It is often used to assess student learning in individual or group research projects.
Presentation assessment consists of a topic for the student to research, discuss and present, followed by a question and answer session between a tutor and the presenter(s). This measures the ability of students to respond, think under pressure and manage discussion. It is in this part of the presentation that the student shows his/her in-depth knowledge of the topic and presentation skills.
A good presentation is generally expected to consist of:
- Introduction/ Aims/Objectives
- Major points and ideas explained and summarised
- Results/Related points/Issues/or others depending on the topic
- Conclusion - future work
- The presentation should be presented in the time allowed
Presentation Requirements: Develop a class presentation of no more than 15 minutes to demonstrate your understanding of: 'The importance of sustainability in the ICT industry'.
Be prepared to answer questions from your trainer and your fellow class members following the presentation.
Attachment:- ICT Planning and Design Projects Assignment File.rar