Calculate actual and required air volume-ventilation rate

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133495393


1. State the hygienic value of the ward for 5 beds for patients with thyrotoxicosis; the area is 30 m2, the height - 3 m. The microclimate of the ward is characterized by the air temperature - 17°C, the radiation temperature of the walls -15°C, the relative humidity is 70 %, the air movement speed is 0.1 m/c. The vertical variation of the temperature is ±20C, the horizontal variation of the air temperature -±2.50C, the daily temperature variation - 5°C. The CO2 concentration in the ward during the inspection is 0.2 %.

Calculate the actual and required air volume and the ventilation rate. State the hygienic value of the ward sanitary regime and give recommendations concerning its improvement.

2. The operating room for two operating tables has the area of 30 m2, the height of 3 m, one window sized 2,5×2 m facing towards the north-east, the outlet and inlet ventilation with the ventilation rate in both directions 1.5 times per hour. State whether this operating room complies with the hygienic standards and the conditions of the operating team's labour.

Reference no: EM133495393

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