Calculate a work-to-rest ratios to summarize

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Reference no: EM133567982

Question: Provide an indication of the percent contribution of each energy system in a typical match (e.g., 50% Oxidative, 25% Glycolytic, and 25% Phosphagen; or 50% Aerobic and 50% Anaerobic). The percent contribution is further explained by the following information about typical game play:

Match Duration (and range): Indicate the duration of a typical game and provide the minimum and maximum expected duration if games do not have a fixed duration (e.g., baseball).

Types of Effort: Provide a breakdown of the levels of effort expected to be observed throughout a typical match. For example, a 100-m sprinter would be expected to put forth a single, high intensity effort lasting approximately 10 - 12 seconds. In contrast, soccer players may complete several transitions between high-intensity sprinting, moderate jogging, and walking over a 90-minute match.

Intensity (and range) of Efforts: Quantify the intensity mentioned in the previous section. If high intensity is stated, could it be described as maximal effort or an estimated percentage of VO2max? Provide an average and range (minimum and maximum expected intensity) for each type of effort stated above.

Duration (and range) of Efforts: Provide an average (and range) duration of the efforts described for each intensity type. The range should give the reader an idea of the minimum and maximum duration of each type of effort.

Frequency of Efforts (and range): Indicate the number of efforts (of each type of intensity) that occur during a typical match. The range should give the reader an idea of the minimum and maximum number of efforts.

Calculate a work-to-rest ratio(s) to summarize the above information.

Reference no: EM133567982

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