Calculate that implements a simple arithmetic calculator

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161547

Write a C program calc.c that implements a simple arithmetic calculator. Input to the calculator consists of lines composed of integer constants separated by the five arithmetic operators used in C: +, -, *, /, and %. For each line of input, your program should display the result of applying the operators to the surrounding terms. To read the individual values and operators, you should use the scanner module as extended in exercise 9, so that spacing is ignored. Your program should exit when the user enters a blank line. To reduce the complexity of the problem, your calculator should ignore C's rules of precedence and instead apply the operators in left-to-right order. Thus, in your calculator program, the expression 2 + 3 * 4 has the value 20 and not 14, as it would in C. The following is a sample run of the calc.c program: 

Reference no: EM13161547

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