Reference no: EM131095296
• Question 1. The name given to these seekers of gold was:
•Question 2. Women in Gold Rush Caifornia provided theatrical entertainment for miners and made good money doing it.
•Question 3. For some women, men's absence during the gold rush meant:
•Question 4. Gold mining at its heart became an intensely ___________ venture.
•Question 5. The average person during the height of the gold rush was able to make:
•Question 6. Some saw the gold rush as:
•Question 7. The public in California were disappointed by the court's decision in Lux v. Haggin because it ruled in favor of the appropriative system.
•Question 8. Women who were affected by the Gold Rush were often forced to:
•Question 9. The Wright Act resolved all of the problems with water rights in the late 19th century.
•Question 10. The first prostitutes to gold rush California were from Chile.
•Question 11. Public sentiment around the abolition of the riparian system was that it would just be replaced by another set of monopolists.
•Question 12. In the 1890s the appearance of the _____________ turned some to groundwater.
•Question 13. Rev. James M. Davis in his sermon, "The Duties of Females in Reference to the California Gold Excitement," advised women:
•Question 14. What was "California Love"?
•Question 15. The gold rush was seen as an opportunity to
•Question 16. Lux v. Haggin was a case involving rights to gold found in the American River.
•Question 17. Between 1848 and 1854 __________________ gold seekers rushed to California to seize the opportunity to strike it rich.
•Question 18. Brendan C. Lindsay argued that Cognitive Dissonance Theory didn't apply to the case of native genocide in California.
•Question 19. Who created the documentary, The West, we watched in class?
•Question 20. Match the following with the most appropriate response.
o Question
Wright Act
William Alexander Leidesdorff
Black prospectors were
St. Andrews AME
Jeremiah B. Sanderson
Sarah Mildred Jones
Ward v. Flood
San Francisco's Chinatown
Gold mania
Divine Blessing
Cultural hegemony
Women cooks in the gold rush
Women prostitutes in the gold rush
Catherine Hayes
Cognitive dissonance
Native genocide in California
Most newcomers to California
Lux V. Haggin
C.C. Wright
•Question 21. The Wright Act did all of the following EXCEPT:
•Question 22. The riparian system allocated water among those who possessed the land along the water's path.
•Question 23. The vast wave of migration to California included thousands of ______________________.
•Question 24. American women were not prostitutes in gold rush California.
•Question 25. A prolonged absence of 49ers meant a new degree of _________ for women.
•Question 26. New religious debates arose around the role of gold fever in America. The two sides in the debate:
•Question 27. Women in the Gold Rush could cook for men and earn:
•Question 28. Women in the Gold Rush also found _______________ a lucrative business venture.
•Question 29. In California, women worked as:
•Question 30. Humor was used as way to trivialize native humanity.
•Question 31. The discovery of gold in California quickly became a