C Language Assignment Problem

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132396502

C Language Assignment Problems -

1. Write an interactive program using strings which: a) gets a filename from the standard input (keyboard) or a file b) gets a mode (read or write) from the same source and, c) copies the contents of the input file to: (i) the standard output if the input is from a file OR (ii) to the file specified in a) if the mode from b) is write If the file won't open, direct the input/output to the corresponding standard file (stdin/stdout).

2. Write an interactive C program to simulate the evaluation scheme for MIS (First semester) for 10 students. Each course should have both the components (Assignment as well as Term End Examination).

3. Write a program to crypt its input according to a specified transformation scheme. The transformation scheme will consist of two strings: a string of characters and then a string of replacement characters. The idea is that your program replaces every instance of the ith character in the initial string with the (i+1)th character (of English alphabets) in the replacement string. It follows a cyclic pattern. If alphabet z is met it starts with alphabet a. When no substitution is defined for a character, the program just passes it through to the output unchanged. Blank spaces and the other symbols remains the same. The program should inform the user of any errors in the transformation scheme. Your program should display the strings before and after the substitutions in the corresponding 2 files named bcryptand acrypt. Example: Original String: I know C programming. String after the transformation: J lopx D qsphsbnnjoh.

C Programming Lab -

Write an interactive program in C language to create an application program for your study centre. This application should be having menu options like student's details (Name, Enrolment, Address, Programme, course, contact, etc), semester enrolled for, assignments submitted and marks obtained, attendance for the practical courses etc. The application should be designed user-friendly. Note: You must execute the program and submit the program logic, sample input and output along with the necessary documentation for this question. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.

Reference no: EM132396502

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