Reference no: EM13772533
Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
1. The execution of a program begins with the main
2. C++ is not case sensitive.
3. Declarations can be placed anywhere in the program
4. Statement and declarations must end with a semicolon
5. The result of an integer division is a rounded result.
Indicate if the following declaration statements are correct or r modify it so that it is a correct 'statement.
6. int i , j , k.,
7. float fl (11), f2(202.00);
8. DOUBLE D1, 02, 03;
9. float al (a2);
10. int n, m_m;
11. Which of the following is NOT a C++ keyword?
(a.) const
(b) goto
(c) static
(d) when
(e) unsigned
12. In a declaration, the type specifier and the object name are separated by
(a) a period.
(b) a space.
(c) an equal sign.
(d) a semicolon.
(e) none of the above.
13. Which of the following declarations would properly define x, y, and a as double -objects?
(a) double x, y, z;
(b) long double x,y, z
(c) double x=y=z;
(d) double X, Y, Z
14. In C++, the binary operator % is applied to compute
(a) Integer division.
(b) Floating-point division.
(c) The remainder of integer division.
(d) The remainder of floating-point division.
(e) None of the above.
15. Which of the following assignments produces a value of zero?
(a) result = 9%3- 1;
(b) result = 8%3 -1;
(c) result = 2 - 5%2;
(d) result = 2 - 6%2;
(e) result = 2 - 8%3;