Reference no: EM133004858
True or False
Problem 1. Valuation does not include the use of forecasts to come up with reasonable estimate of value of an entity's assets or its equity
Problem 2. Going Concern firm value is determined under the going concern assumption. The going concern assumption believes that the entity will not continue to do its business activities into the foreseeable future,
Problem 3. Fundamental analysts are persons who are interested in understanding and measuring the intrinsic value of a firm.
Problem 4. Businesses treat capital as a scarce resource that they should compete to obtain and efficiently manage.
Problem 5. Valuation techniques may differ across different assets, but all follows similar fundamental principles that drives the core of these approaches.
Problem 6. Methods to value for real estate can may be different on how to value an entire business.
Problem 7. As valuation mostly deals with projections about future events, analysts should hone their ability to balance and evaluate different assumptions used in each phase of the valuation exercise, assess validity of available empirical evidence and come up with rational choices that aligns with the ultimate objective of the valuation activity
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: Valuation techniques may differ across different assets, but all follows similar fundamental principles that drives the core of these approaches.-True or False
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