Businesses across world seek applicants who have soft skills

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133128043

Chapter 11 discusses a myriad of ways that people communicate without using words. Businesses across the world seek applicants who have "soft skills." These are skills such as teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, etc. However, the text provides many more examples, including non-verbal ways of communicating like courtesy, appearance, tolerance, collegiality, reliability and honesty. Provide examples from your past experience when these were represented in either a work, volunteer, or school experience. Was there a particular person who exhibited (communicated) clearly that they were professional, but without overt communication in the form of written or spoken work? Provide examples from the text that were exhibited by this person.

Reference no: EM133128043

Questions Cloud

What is the short-run supply curve for firm : Suppose that each identical firm in a competitive market has the following total cost function: TC = 722 + 2 200 that is the same in the short and the long run.
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What is the price level : If velocity is 5, aggregate output is initially $ 10 trillion, and the money supply is $2trillion. What is the price level? What is the price level if the money
What is the fixed selling and administrative cost allocated : To achieve a target price of $495 per lawn mower, the markup percentage is 12.5 percent on total unit cost. What is the fixed selling and administrative cost
Businesses across world seek applicants who have soft skills : discusses a myriad of ways that people communicate without using words. Businesses across the world seek applicants who have "soft skills."
Significance of intelligence for business leaders : Discuss the significance of leadership in current uncertain business environment - Significance of Intelligence for business leaders
How does the merger affect markups and profits : Two dermatologist practices want to merge. The price elasticity of demand for dermatology services is -0.35. Firm 1 has a volume of 7,500, fixed costs of $70,00
International dependence revolution models : What are the main arguments of international dependence revolution models? What are the main differences between the linear stages and international dependency
Supply and demand of the us economy : How did the DOT-COM bubble crash in the 2000s affect the supply and demand of the U.S economy?


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