Business standard rules

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Reference no: EM1334127

If law is a business, shouldn't it be held to merely the standard rules of business instead of being so intensively regulated?

Reference no: EM1334127

Questions Cloud

Non-judicial methods of adr : Explain the use of arbitration and other non-judicial methods of alternative dispute resolution.
Define resistance : Define resistance  and how can it affect the success of a change strategy and also  Describe an organization development project that would be appropriate for your organization and indicate what role you would assume as a change maker. Explain how y..
Explain managerial accounting and components of marketing : Explain Managerial Accounting and Components of Marketing Process and discuss the basic components of the marketing process using a product or service of your choice as an example
Check an issue within that organization : Check an issue within that organization that would have both organizational and societal implications and For that organization, explain how you would address both the organizational and societal audiences.
Business standard rules : If law is a business, shouldn't it be held to merely the standard rules of business instead of being so intensively regulated?
Negative consequences of decision making : Outline the situation (what happened, when, where), identify what decisions were made and why, and explain the negative consequences that resulted.
Short-term loan interest rates : Why are interest rates on the short-term loans not necessarily comparable to each other? Provide three possible reasons.
What is the largest value of x : A soft real-time system has four periodic events with periods of 50, 100, 200 and 250 msec each. assume four events require 35, 20, 10 and X msec of CPU time, respectively. What is the largest value of X for which the system is schedulable.
Describe importance of identifying individual performance : Describe the importance of identifying individual performance deficiencies and development needs in planning and developing training and HRD programs.


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