Business plan starting the business plan introduction

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Reference no: EM133149468

BUSN318 | Lesson 2 | Starting the Business Plan Starting the Business Plan Introduction

Creating a small business can lead to new opportunities for everyone involved, whether they are founders of the business, business partners, accountants, financiers, marketers, or customers. An important step in the development of a small business is the creation of a business plan. During this process, founders and stakeholders will often focus on the type of business structure to initiate. Important considerations to include within the development of a business plan are business structure, partnerships, financing, forecasting, market segmentation, and customer relationship management.

As noted in Lesson 2, part of a formal, complex business plan involves conducting a thorough analysis of the market in which the company will be offering its products and services. But even if a business has no need to plan their business with such a document, it is very important that they conduct sufficient Market Research.  Review the notes in Lesson 2 regarding the Market Research Process, choose a type of business and a location where you would want to open that business. Apply the questions noted there to that proposed business. What additional questions would you want to ask?  What other research would you want to do before opening the business?

Additional information may be found in Chapter 5 of your textbook Exploring Business at: Chapter 5: The Challenges of Starting a Business of your textbook Exploring Business

Own a Trucking & Real Estate Company

Reference no: EM133149468

Questions Cloud

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Business plan starting the business plan introduction : BUSN318 | Lesson 2 | Starting the Business Plan Starting the Business Plan Introduction
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Business Management Questions & Answers

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Firms are able to price-discriminate when resale is impossible and groups of individuals are difficult to distinguish.

  Causes and consequences of political behaviours

With reference to the above fact, explain the causes and consequences of political behaviours. Answer this question in not more than 400 words.

  Corporate social responsibility and companies

Many company directors are stating their commitment to corporate social responsibility and companies are increasingly discharging their accountability

  Why abm or business subjects can be useful in the future

Why ABM or Business Subjects can be useful in the future?

  Year zero-coupon government bond

"If the yield on a 5-year zero-coupon government bond is 8.4% pa, then the yield on a 6-year zero-coupon government bond must be at least 6.95% pa.

  Discuss the assumptions underlying the solution

(a) How many turnstiles should be opened in each direction every morning? (b) Discuss the assumptions underlying the solution of this problem, using queuing.

  Possible causes for freight movement congestion

Describe the possible causes for freight movement congestion, or delays, for three areas: goods movement, physical infrastructure, and information.

  Financial ratios are principal tool of financial analysis

Financial ratios are the principal tool of financial analysis. Are the firm's managers generating adequate operating profits on the company's assets?

  Relationship between annual bonus and years of experience

The annual bonuses ($1,000s) of six employees with different years of experience were recorded as follows.

  Describe the characteristics of successful project

Your manager has asked you to describe the characteristics of the project life cycle and describe the characteristics of a successful project.

  Identify the infrastructure-capacity building

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  Implications for employee motivation with type of leadership

What examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership?

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