Business operational plans and organizational requirements

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131129966

Assuming that you work at a private school dealing with issue related to assets management as part of your duties you need to make recommendations about any type of physical resources of your choice to be purchased by the school in order to accomodate its plans.

you are required to prepare a report (no more than 2000 words) that answers the following questions.

1: explain how the resource requirements are determined in accordance with business operational plans and organizational requirements.

2: show how oppertunities to individuals and workgroups to contribute to the identification of resource requirement are provided.

3: explain how resources expenditure is placed (taking in to account the requirements for efficient use of available budget resources)

4: Provide recommenations on most relevant resourcesreuirements (must be presented in the required format style and structure use relevent business equipment and technology)

5: Analyse how resources are checked to ensure quality and quantit, in line with service agreement.

Reference no: EM131129966

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