Reference no: EM13918017
QNT 5040 business_modelling_forecast_analysis A+ .......
Nova Southeastern University
H. Wayne Huizenga School
of Business & Entrepreneurship
Assignment for Course:
Business Modeling QNT 5040
TITLE OF RUBRIC: Case Analysis (Page 1 of 2)
Course: QNT 5040
LEARNING OUTCOME/S: CC4, 6, 7 & 8; (see syllabus)
PURPOSE: To facilitate effective decision making under uncertain conditions by quantifying risk.
Name of Student:
VALIDITY: Best practices in Monte Carlo simulation.
Name of Faculty:
COMPANION DOCUMENTS: Assignment and format instructions, Case
Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT' column and / or points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT' meets standard.
Performance Criteria
Identify the problem
Does not
identify the problem, or does not identify the right problem.
Identifies symptoms
Identifies some elements of the problem.
identifies the problem.
Effectively and succinctly
identifies the problem.
Describes assumptions and methods
Does not describe assumptions and methods used
Does not precisely describe the
assumptions and methods used
Somewhat describes assumptions and methods used
describes assumptions and methods used
Effectively describes assumptions and methods used
Calculate statistics using a spreadsheet
Does not calculate appropriate statistics using a spreadsheet and/or
does not provide evidence of calculations
(0 pt)
Calculates appropriate statistics using a spreadsheet (most answers are not
Calculates appropriate statistics using a spreadsheet (not all answers are correct)
Calculates appropriate statistics using a spreadsheet (most answers are correct)
calculates statistics using a spreadsheet (almost all answers are correct)
implications of
output of statistical analysis
Does not explain
implications of
output of statistical analysis
implications of
output of statistical analysis
Somewhat explains
implications of
output of statistical analysis
implications of
output of statistical analysis
Effectively explains
implications of
output of statistical analysis
TITLE OF RUBRIC: Case Analysis, cont. (Page 2 of 2)
Course: QNT 5040
LEARNING OUTCOME/S: CC4, 6, 7 & 8; (see syllabus)
PURPOSE: To facilitate effective decision making under uncertain conditions by quantifying risk.
Name of Student:
VALIDITY: Best practices in Monte Carlo simulation.
Name of Faculty:
COMPANION DOCUMENTS: Assignment and format instructions, Case
Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT' column and / or
points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT' meets standard.
Performance Criteria
Generates solutions based on analysis and context
Does not
generate appropriate solutions based on analysis and context.
Generates solutions (does not justify conclusions).
Partially: *generates and justifies solutions based on analysis and context; and *justifies conclusions.
Substantially: *generates and justifies solutions based on analysis and context; and *justifies conclusions.
Effectively: *generates and justifies solutions based on analysis and context; and *justifies conclusions.
Uses prescribed format (including cover sheet and grading rubric) and writing style (language, grammar, punctuation, and spelling)
Does not use prescribed format and writing style
May use prescribed format OR writing style (only one)
Generally uses prescribed format and writing style
Substantially uses prescribed format and writing style
uses prescribed format and writing style
Uses APA format
(APA Style Manual 6.0)
Does not provide references.
Does not apply APA style to references.
Partially applies APA style to references.
Substantially applies APA style to references.
Effectively applies APA style to all references.
Optimal quality and quantity of citations.
Quality performance of the customer service agents
: Superior Grain Elevator, Inc. a company located in Canada's third busiest port (Thunder Bay) dedicated to storing and loading grain from local silos into freighters, with its 14 giant grain elevators in the two current wharfs, is one of the most p..
What are some of economic reasons for its success
: What is the GE's value and work at maintaining long-term relationships with its employees, customers, suppliers, other business partners and local communities?
Explain the importance of innovation
: Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected businesss vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division. Include the following:
Operating activities section of the statement of cash flows
: Prepare the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows for 2014 for ABC Remodel using the indirect method.
Business modelling forecast analysis a+
: Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT' column and / or points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT' meets standard.
Who benefit from illegal immigration/immigrants
: Who benefits most from the work/jobs provided by the illegal immigrants, and which U.S. workers lose out as a result of the added competition for those low-wage jobs?
Importance of ethical accountants to society
: Ethical accountants are important to society because _____. a. they pay their taxes b. the information produced is reliable c. they will not go to prison and waste taxpayers' money d. none of these answers is correct
Evaluate the two evaluation instruments used in the fabrics
: Evaluate the two evaluation instruments used in the Fabrics, Inc. case. Discuss how the evaluation results should be used. Be sure to address internal and external validity of the measurements
Problem regarding the performance management system
: Moreover, one of the managers has challenged your plan by voicing his concern that a performance management system might create or increase the demands (such as excessive paperwork) on managers' and employees' time and resources.