Reference no: EM1312544
1. Fix a Straight Line Trend equation by the method of Least Square Principle method. Assuming that the same rate of change continues what would be the predicted earnings for the year 1990?
Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
Earnings 38 40 65 72 69 60 87 95
2. A sample analysis of examination results of 500 students where made. It was found that 180 students have failed, 170 have secured a third class, 110 where placed in second class. Are these figure commensurate with the general examination result which is in ratio of 4:3:2:1 for the various categories respectively.
3. In a survey of 200 boys, 75 were intelligent,
40 had educated fathers. While 85 of unintelligent boys had uneducated father. Do these figures support the hypothesis that educated father have intelligent boys?
4. A and B play 12 games of chess, of which 6 are won by A, 4 by B and 2 end in a tie. They agree to play 3 more games. Find the probability that
a) A win all the three games
b) Two games end in a tie
c) A and B win alternatively and
d) B wins at least one game.
Unplanned actions may lead to a mess
: "Management is a series of functions to be performed in a sequential order". Explain the statement describing Management Process in short.
Construct a well-defined recruitment policy for an hotel
: "Human Resource Planning is the continuous and critical process for an organization" - Comment. Construct a well-defined Recruitment policy for an Hotel Industry, for all levels.
Suggest your opinion towards consumerism
: Now the Indian market has totally become the consumer oriented market". - Discuss this statement with its pros and cons. Also suggest your opinion towards consumerism.
Financial and management accounting
: We want a flexible budget because costs are too hard to predict. We need the flexibility to change budgeted costs as input price change. Does a flexible budget serve this purpose? Explain.
Business mathematics and statistics
: Assignment on Business mathematics and statistics, Fix a Straight Line Trend equation by the method of Least Square Principle method. Assuming that the same rate of change continues what would be the predicted earnings for the year 1990?
Production and materials management
: The guiding principles in the search for a location should be for a place where the cost of the raw materials and of fabrication, plus the cost of the marketing of the finished product will be minimum". Elaborate.
Managerial communication
: Mobile communication is the best example for paperless communication. Identify some unexplored areas where it can be effectively used. Also compare its effectiveness with other forms of communication.
Write advantages of traditional supply relationships
: What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional supply relationships? Please discuss in context of a industry of your choice. Word count 750
Discuss the vulnerability and potential effects of sea-level
: Write a paper on Discuss the vulnerability and potential effects of sea-level rise or Examine the relationship between climate change and human security.