Business letter appropriate for the professional workplace

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Reference no: EM131522158

Project- Business Letter Assignment

Final Draft Setup Requirement:

- Polished, properly formatted, one-page letter
- Single spaced
- 11 or 12-point Times New Roman font

WHAT: Write a 1-page business letter appropriate for the professional workplace.

HOW: The business letter will be addressed to a classmate and will

- capture the classmate's attention;
- describe (briefly) the steps of process writing;
- present a persuasive argument to motivate the classmate to use steps in process writing in development of his/her written assignments throughout the semester;
- demonstrate your knowledge of process writing, your ability to craft a professional letter, and your skill at persuading a reader to action.

WHY: This assignment strengthens your ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate main ideas in production of a common communication document. It demonstrates writing as a process that requires substantive revision, and it promotes communication skills aimed at a specific audience about a particular subject for a defined purpose while advancing your understanding of your strengths as a writer of persuasive business materials.

Writing a persuasive business letter is beneficial in other ways, too.

o Critical thinking and effective writing used in the development of this project teaches valuable skills applicable to large and small companies. In a large company, the task of letter writing typically falls to an advertising department, copywriters, and marketing specialists. In a small company, it is often accomplished by a business owner.

o Persuasive skills used in the development of this type of project strengthen understanding of the AIDA plan: attention, interest, desire, and action. This means a letter writer needs to know how to get a reader's attention, generate interest and desire within the reader for a product, service, or decision, and then motivate the reader to take action.

o This type of business writing is also a great way for your instructor to assess your skills of organization, critical thinking, and grammar/punctuation

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Writing is one of the best used ways to communicate with the peers. So writing process should be practiced a lot to help develop the steps. To develop successful process writing, the processes that should be inculcated are the adaptation of the description to the reader, overall organization and the use of illustrations.

Reference no: EM131522158

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